Does the idea of working in the same place – day after day, year after year – make you cringe? There aren’t many careers out there that pay really well and allow you to travel the world. Welding is one of them. Here are just a few of the awesome places that a career in welding can take you.

Any major US city

If you want to live in New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago, welding is a good way in. These cities are hubs for many different industries that use welding, including automotive, aerospace and industrial manufacturing. You could also work on major construction projects that are always going on. How cool would it be to say that you helped build a skyscraper?

Texas and the Gulf of Mexico

They said everything is bigger in Texas – and that’s certainly true for the welding industry. Houston alone employs over 18,000 welders (BLS, 2016). Not only does Texas have booming industry jobs in the large cities but they also have miles of gas pipelines and shipyards along the Gulf of Mexico.

Florida (and anywhere else where there’s water)

Speaking of bodies of water, did you know there’s a thing called underwater welding? It’s an advanced technique that requires welders to dive down to repair large ships or structures. It’s a challenging and sometimes risky type of welding – but one that pays very high salaries. Florida is home to many notable underwater welding companies, but jobs can be found all over the world.

Alaska and Canada

If wilderness is more your thing, you can always go north. When oil is drilled from the ground in Alaska or Canada, it flows through hundreds of miles of pipes to other locations in order to be processed into gasoline and other products. Welders play a critical role in building, maintaining and fixing these pipelines.


Many people dream of moving to Hawaii and living the beach life. As a welder, you can easily make that dream a reality. Between shipyards and military bases, there are many welding jobs available. And if Hawaii isn’t exotic enough for you, welding is needed at shipyards in countries across the globe.

The Daytona 500

Are you a fan of NASCAR or other motorsports? Racing teams need welders to build, maintain and repair their vehicles. Being part of the crew could get you the best seats at the biggest races in the world.

Cruising to exotic locations

Tourists spend a lot of money to go on cruise vacations. As a welder, you could get paid to have the same experience. Cruise companies need welders to make repairs to the ship while out on the water. Sure, you’ll be working, but when you’re off the clock you can enjoy the sights, food and amenities the cruise has to offer.

Living the Road Warrior life

If you really don’t want to be tied down to one place, then you could join the tight-knit community known as Road Warriors. These traveling welders live on the road, driving around the country from job to job. For these pros, welding isn’t just a career – it’s a way of life.

How to get started

Whether you want to get out of your town or impress your friends, welding is a unique career that can help you see the country or even the entire world. To get many of the jobs mentioned earlier, it helps to be an AWS Certified Welder. The good news is you can complete training and the AWS certification process in a year or two.  To search for welding schools in your area, visit the welding school locator here.


This article originally appeared on

Author: American Welding Society Foundation ­- Publish Date: 7/9/2020. 

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics:

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